Retro Game of the Day! Night Striker

Night Striker wrapped it up with a very cool "Blade Runner/Dark futuristic" theme and a hovercar that just screamed "this would make an amazing Japanese Animation!" The gameplay itself was rather basic, as it was in many of these types of games. Shoot, dodge, fight, get further. Night Striker had a couple of nice twists (a depletable shield system like in Galaxy Force, branching paths through the levels like in Darius.. sort of). All in all a nicely-wrapped up package, courtesy of one of the hardest-working devs in the business. This could easily have stood toe-to-toe with any of Sega's greatest efforts. Sadly, it might have shown up a little late to the party, as Night Striker was a one-off which never really showed up again (and no decent home versions arrived until many years later). For me, it represents a gritty, beautiful, action-filled world which still looks gorgeous to this day (even if it is a bit sloppy and choppy). I'd love to see a new-gen Night Striker title! I yearn to once more take on the "Mysterious City-Attacking Terrorism Group!"
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