Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Android game development updates

Continuing to document the port of my iOS game JumpBurger to Android. Rebuilding the game from scratch (code-wise) essentially, within the Unity engine.

- modify collision logic to check/act upon "above or below"
- put jumper under a new origin point; on collide, new origin can be relocated (to a specific platform)

- tell jumper's origin to relocate to last selected platform, put "move to" segment into actual collision script
-set up constraints so it can only lock to a platforms x, y, or z instead of only locking to it's full position (center point)
- fixed jumper rigid body so it won't rotate
- changed animation so jumper will fall farther than it will ascend
- changed collision script to look for object tags rather than specific named objects
- threw a bunch of dummy platforms into the scene to test consecutive jumping, it works!
- camera follow script - checks that camera is out of a specified range of jumper sprite, and
will move up a certain threshold to reach it. A little funky but 1st pass looks decent.
- 1st video test on device. Super simple but looks and feels right so far. Obvious debugs to look into: --make sure jumper is landing on platform properly ("thuds" a bit right now), also
--make sure it is on TOP of platform rather than in the middle, etc

yes it is officially technically "fun!"



- bugfixes as mentioned
- testing on weaker device
- random platform placement (instead of me manually throwing a bunch into a scene)
- simple scoring
- death conditions (at least falling) & game over


- different platform properties
- bad guys
- shell
- leaderboards
- graphics and sound FX
- item pickup

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yes it looks very rudimentary but I am excited as this is my first solo port job. I am not just straight ripping off other people's code to build this, it's my own C# toolset (running from within the Unity engine). Making the tools as I go along, which will eventually give me a much better framework to build other, more complicated projects with as well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2016 is a go

Happy new year everyone!

Lots to say but it is really late and I have just wrapped up a session. I am beginning to port JumpBurger to Android using the Unity Engine. The original iOS game was a collaboration between myself and My friend Dan at Billy Hugs, with me doing overall design/direction and asset creation. He did 100% of the coding within his own framework, and we worked together to iron out and iterate the game design.

This is my first attempt to build an app completely from scratch (not completely first, but for all intents and purposes) and I thought it would be meaningful to document the process here in my blog. As one would. I'll do my best to update in here every few days, as the project progresses.

I am going to use all of the original assets that I built for the iOS game,  and I have some simple notes that he has provided from his coding on that version - but for the most part I will just be eyeballing things to try to match the experience as close as possible, and hopefully to add a couple of features as well (leaderboards and such).

FRI JAN 29 2016 - SESSION 01
-1st session
-figured out portrait mode export
-found an acceleration sensor can that can detect motion, 1st export to device successful
-trying to get devices working

@2 hrs

-label printing to screen (XY numbers etc)
-clamp accel sensor to X, define warping bounds
-"reset XY to 0" touch sensor

-get warping bounds implemented properly
-simple jumping anim
-modify "mousepan" code to clamp (so I can drag in editor, to simulate device tilt)
-begin 2D collision & collision by name code between jumping cube & platform prop.