Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Android game development updates

Continuing to document the port of my iOS game JumpBurger to Android. Rebuilding the game from scratch (code-wise) essentially, within the Unity engine.

- modify collision logic to check/act upon "above or below"
- put jumper under a new origin point; on collide, new origin can be relocated (to a specific platform)

- tell jumper's origin to relocate to last selected platform, put "move to" segment into actual collision script
-set up constraints so it can only lock to a platforms x, y, or z instead of only locking to it's full position (center point)
- fixed jumper rigid body so it won't rotate
- changed animation so jumper will fall farther than it will ascend
- changed collision script to look for object tags rather than specific named objects
- threw a bunch of dummy platforms into the scene to test consecutive jumping, it works!
- camera follow script - checks that camera is out of a specified range of jumper sprite, and
will move up a certain threshold to reach it. A little funky but 1st pass looks decent.
- 1st video test on device. Super simple but looks and feels right so far. Obvious debugs to look into: --make sure jumper is landing on platform properly ("thuds" a bit right now), also
--make sure it is on TOP of platform rather than in the middle, etc

yes it is officially technically "fun!"



- bugfixes as mentioned
- testing on weaker device
- random platform placement (instead of me manually throwing a bunch into a scene)
- simple scoring
- death conditions (at least falling) & game over


- different platform properties
- bad guys
- shell
- leaderboards
- graphics and sound FX
- item pickup

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Yes it looks very rudimentary but I am excited as this is my first solo port job. I am not just straight ripping off other people's code to build this, it's my own C# toolset (running from within the Unity engine). Making the tools as I go along, which will eventually give me a much better framework to build other, more complicated projects with as well.


  1. I am very happy to know this post because I will get the information about the new android game. I love to play new new game from android device. TORRES
